Saturday, November 17, 2007
I remember long time ago I ask God to send angels to reach out to my mom. Guess what today we had a party at my house and one of our family friend came by and we haven't gather with them for so long. Now they are Christians and baptized. I was so excited to hear that because I know mom was some what touched, eventhough she won't admit it right now at this moment. I know God is doing his work on her. So thank you Jesus for answering another prayer of mine. I encourage you guys to PRAY. In Mike Bickle's book he mentioned. Don't treat your prayer time a sacrifice for God. Instead it's a divine moment spent with your lover, he wants to hear it all~

Posted by Q at 11:52 PM |


At November 19, 2007 at 12:46 AM, Blogger the Invaders said........
amen to your prayer!
keep praying for your mom! God will do something new to your family.

At November 19, 2007 at 8:43 PM, Blogger Alice in Wonderland said........
wow praise God!! Hallelujah!! He is so good! This reminds me to pray for my family at Taiwan, God save my family! Keep touching hearts MQ!!