Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Today is me and Joshua's 18th month anniversary. It's been 1 year and a half. Although everyone else tells me that it seems like forever. I felt like we finally understand eachother more and it's the most unforgattable month. God work things out fast so if we put anything in his hand we are being taking care of.
What other words come to mind when u hear or speak the name of jesus? Do u feel the power? When u just close ur eyes, take a deep breath and say jesus outloud do u feel how powerful it is? To some people it's a name that every knee will bow one day, every tongue will one day confess, no parallel in the vocabulary, absolute salvation, a name with power like no other name. People who loves him loves to see how it falls off the lips with passion. People who loves him also shudder to see it falls off the lips with disgrace. What a name! Jesus, in hebrew is Yeshu'a (Joshua) a very common name back then, after all jesus came to save and seek common people like us. The name Jesus means "savior" although the name was commonly shared, but no one else would ever shared the role.

Posted by Q at 4:10 PM |


At November 8, 2007 at 12:59 AM, Blogger Sarah Wang said........
QQQQ yay you got a blog! :D

At November 8, 2007 at 4:43 PM, Blogger Priscella said........
