Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Thank you baby for making fried rice for me today~! I love it~
Also for taking me to play basketball, and gave me those one on one lessons~ ( I will practice and become better...;;;)
AHHHHHH I had so much fun today~!!!
thank u God...
Mike Bickle was right in his book "After God's own Heart" he mentioned how our heart should overflow with "O God this is too good to be true!" or "This is beyond what I could hope for" or "I can't believe that it is really happening" Because if you seek after God's heart and Love, you'll realize how much more things you could actually overcome. It's not a big deal when you face things like ur car breaks down, you lose your wallet or get stuck in traffic. Think about this case here, a person who gets completely saved by God, walks with god for another 40 years redeemed and following Christ. One day she finally meets God face to face, at the throne. She is drown in the presence of his love and pleasure. Then she realizes what she has missed on earth and she thinks to herself she could have done so much better on earth if she had seek after his heart more on earth. she would have accomplish greater things. Don't let your time pass by easily, seek and encounter his heart and beauty and you will be surprised with what you could do~!

Posted by Q at 11:32 PM |


At November 15, 2007 at 1:34 AM, Blogger Sarah Wang said........
Grace is a gift from God. He gives it to you with pretty wrapping and ribbons. He kiss the gift and hand it to you carefully. It is your to keep. Remember that gift? Look through your cabinets, under your bed or your bunch of stuffs. It has always been there, in your possessions. Don't forget about that precious gift that God has given you. ^_________^

I love you MQ!! <3

At November 15, 2007 at 7:42 AM, Blogger jasypants said........
awwww how sweet and cute! nyehhh. i love your layout. it's cute. haha i keep saying cute. xD i hope your day is filled with miracles! TAKE OVER THE WORLD! :)

At November 15, 2007 at 9:48 PM, Blogger Alice in Wonderland said........
Amen Amen! God's goodness releases us to break free from bondages and focus on His plans for us instead of our the way, gorgeous new layout!!