Tuesday, November 20, 2007
I was so inspired by alot of the artist on this website about fashion. So I decided to start my own portfolio. YES!! I need to save money in order to take makeup classes, and also wardrope. So excited~!!! So i'm gonna be a freelance stylist, who does makeup, hair, wardrope, and maybe in the future photography. I Love this fahion industry too much to just be a regular hair stylist. So God please help me to achieve my goals,
by the end of next year I should be able to present atleast something to show what my future's gonna look like...

Posted by Q at 10:37 PM |


At November 26, 2007 at 2:15 AM, Blogger Alice in Wonderland said........
that's so exciting! I'm still not sure about my future, I wanna be in the medical/healthcare field, but I just donno what to do...a doctor is pretty hard, a health educator doesn't amount to much, a nutritionist maybe? I have no idea...please pray for me q...