Monday, January 14, 2008
My grandma went to China for like 4 months, she jaust came back around Christmas. She's actually my stepdad's mom, but I call her Grandma anyways. We've been spending alot of time together. Last year I prayed for my family to be saved and really on fire for God. My grandma has been a believer for like 10 years... eventhough she's like 75 years old I just prayed that God would set a fire in her heart too. So recently she just told me she wanted to start comming to our church, I was a bit surprised, because she has her own church to go to, and she knows that our church is full of young ppl. She stills feels kind of wierd joining us because she's older. I told her age doesn't matter because we're all going there for God. Then she began sharing with me the reasons that she wanted to come with me. She said she wants to unite with me together we can influence my parents and my stepsister to believe in Christ. I was like WOW God is beginning to answer my prayer!!! And she even shared abt how it's gonna be hard and complicated because my parents are very against church. But she said we are suppose to be prosecuted and put through hardship so we can grow and have more faith in God. She even gave me an example like how Christians are suppose to be like Cactus. Cactus can survive in the desert without any water and any care, God created it he takes care of it eventho we don't see it with our human eyes. God created us too so he will take care of us too eventho we don't see it. I was like this is so crazy we were like having fellowship at my house. Then on sunday she prepared herself and her bible and actually came to church with me. I was a bit worried because the worship was in english and when she was introducing herself she actually said eventho she didn't understand the english she actually felt the Holy Spirit filled up her heart. I can't wait to see more things happening by the end of the year.

Posted by Q at 7:30 PM |


At January 15, 2008 at 3:29 AM, Blogger johnny said........
That post just brought tears to my eyes, MQ. My heart was stirred when I saw your grandma. I felt God presence all around her and a spirit of boldness. Just keep pressing on, don't give up! See, He's moving His hands!
Great to see you updating your blog! So when can I get a haircut? lol

At January 15, 2008 at 5:30 PM, Blogger the Invaders said........
grandma rocks!

At January 18, 2008 at 3:13 PM, Blogger shin said........
Q's grandma is awesome!
God is Awesome!
oh yay!

At January 19, 2008 at 11:49 PM, Blogger Sarah Wang said........
I believe your family will be completely saved through you and your grandma!!! KEEP PRESSING IN! :) God sees your heart! I'm continuously praying for my family as well, let's see God's kingdom fill our families together!! YEAHH!!!!

